Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | July 29, 2009
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Further restrictions for the Corporate Area water supply
National Water Commission (NWC) customers served by the Hermitage/ Constant Spring water supply system in the Corporate Area have been hit with further restrictions as a result of worsening drought conditions.

The new restrictions took effect yesterday.

"This means that customers will, depending on their elevation and location on the system, either have no piped water or have low water pressure from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and again from 7 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. daily," the NWC said in a release.

The water commission also stressed that the restrictions might be gradually intensified should the conditions remain unchanged and that it would continue to closely monitor the situation and make adjustments as required.

"The National Water Commission apologises for any inconvenience caused to its valued customers and urges strict conservation measures," the release stated.

For information on ways to conserve, visit our website at www.nwcjamaica.com.

Contact: Corporate Public Relations Department/Community Relations Dept (Eastern) 929-1128/929-3540.

Areas that continue to be affected by these nightly restrictions include:

Manor Park


Constant Sping Road

Shortwood Road

Graham Heights

Cassia Park



Armour Heights

Eastwood Park Gardens

Jacks Hill

Liguanea Club

Stillwell Road


Constant Spring Gardens

Molynes Road

Smokey Vale


Russell Heights

Grants Pen Road

Moreton Park

Half-Way Tree Road

Charlton Road


Mannings Hill Road


Red Hills Road

Sections of Stony Hill, Diamond Road, Wireless Station Road

(All other adjoining communities will also be affected)

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