Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | September 25, 2009
Home : Commentary
Passport-office inefficiency

A few days ago I visited the passport office to regularise my child's stay in Jamaica. As a US citizen he is usually given a limited time on the island but can extend his stay by having an 'unconditional landing' stamped in his US passport. This is all fine, except that obtaining this stamp took all day at the passport office.

Years ago, at the old Spanish Town Road location, we went through the process in 15 minutes. This time we spent hours under a tent before being ushered upstairs to take a number and wait hours again. The level of 'service' was woeful and all who waited were bitter.

In fairness, the staff were not rude. Some were even polite but their nonchalant attitude and lethargic pace underlined the obvious need for more staff. The authorities have clearly 'fixed' a system that was not broken and come October we shall pay for it. Who did this ?

Such a simple matter seems easily handled at the airport.The same immigration officer landing the child for two weeks could just as easily stamp 'unconditional'.

- A. Lindo


Port Antonio

That taxi attack

I watched in astonishment the television broadcast of the brutal attack on a taxi driver in Papine, St Andrew. This attack happened in broad daylight in full view of many witnesses. It was not the brutality of the act that astonished me, however, it was the fact that no one went to assist the man, who was being attacked. They all stood by and watched the attack unfold.

Until we each realise we are our bothers' keeper and begin to act in that manner, our country will sink further into a mire of destruction and despair.

- Yolande Fender


Bolt should refuse OJ

Usain Bolt's athletic achievements have made Jamaicans proud and it appears he is a likeable person. The issue is whether the selecting committee should honour him by bestowing the high honour of Order of Jamaica and naming a highway after him.

There is a presumption that these national honours have some substance. One of the criteria, I would think, is an exceptional achievement, particularly when it benefits your country. So far Usain has satisfied this.

The other, I would think, is a man's character. Character is an ongoing development during one's life ime. Usain is young and should be allowed to develop his character during his active lifetime. Usain should refuse these honours and politely inform those who made the decision to consider his coach.

- Jack Young


Toronto, Canada

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